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Melvin will be getting a timeout




Our trip down from Bar Harbor to Wells included getting struck in a Denny's parking lot. We missed the first entrance and should have passed by the second. Not enough room to turn around without backing up. That meant unhooking disabled Lucy and pushing her uphill to a parking space so we could turn around. Oh well, we had a good breakfast, hooked up Lucy and continued on.

One piece of advise, if you think taking Rt 1 will be a scenic coastal drive, forgot it unless you plan on several 10 or 15 mile side trips.

Today is our last day. It's been one go our best vacations ever. We arrived in Wells ME 2days ago and spent it all just relaxing. Our site at the Sea View campground is surrounded by shade trees and Ruth's cousin Ellie and her daughter Judy and her husband Dan are next door.

Since being here we discovered the best part of camping, sharing it with family or friends. Our meals have been a joint effort including clean up. Last night we sat by the campfire until 11:30, just gabbing away the time.

Yep, we've had our challenges but understand we are rookies at this. However, we'll soon be street smart and hopefully not repeat most of the bad ones.

I have figured out I can handle the retired life and look forward to it. Wonder if I can handle work when we get back.

Certainly we'll take a few shorter trips before winter sets in. And those will include our dog Oscar who we decided to leave with my daughter Jenn's family this time. I'm sure he had a great vacation too.


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