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Inverters, Converters & Chargers… Oh My!

This ain’t Kansas, Toto…

Lights not lighting?

Water pressure a trickle?

Refrigerator not refrigerating …errr… cooling?

It’s annoying when the lights work most of the time (only happens when it’s dark outside)…

It’s aggravating when the shower barely spits and dribbles water (only happens when theres soap in my eyes)…

It’s infuriating discovering warm beer in the refrigerator (only happens when thirsty)…

What if I told you the problem may not be the light switch or the water pump or the refrigerator…

Awe Baloney! (that would be my response to…)

There’s one thing every one of these systems rely upon to work properly.

Electric power.

Without electric power a light switch is decoration.

Without electric power a water pump is a fancy pipe connection.

Without electric power a refrigerator is poor quality oven.

You know what’s worse?

Low power.

That’s right, because low power (weak voltage) enables lights to work, water pumps to pump and refrigerators to cool.

Yes it does, only poorly.

And worse, low voltage wreaks havoc on electric motors and electronics.

So what’s this got to do with inverters, converters and chargers (Oh My…)?


When the devices that provide the raw power aren’t working properly the symptoms can be difficult to detect AND inflicting invisible damage!

This weeks blog post dives into the differences between inverters, converters and chargers, how to easily identify each type and why they are different.

Look me up, visit and enjoy the journey!


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