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Monday, February 15, 2010

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We are running a little behind this month in getting our writings out and on the web site. We have been moving around quite a bit in the past six weeks. We spent a week in Panama City, Fla., with cold days and nights. We did get in a few walks on the beach; however, they were short due to the temperatures and cold winds that would cut through our clothing. Julie was able to pick up some seashells -- it is difficult for her to walk on the beach with out picking up something that catches her eye. We were also able to fulfill some of our sea food cravings over the past month.

Following Panama City we moved to Pensacola, where we spent the best part of two weeks. Julie’s cousin Harley and his wife, Margret, winter in Orange Beach, Ala., a short drive from our campground. During our stay in Pensacola the weather improved to the point where we were able to get a few days in shorts and sandals. No, it wasn’t 80 degrees, but we did have temps in the 70s. We enjoyed some longer walks on the beach and visiting the National Sea Shore in this area.

From Pensacola we moved to the FMCA Southeast Area Rally in Brooksville, Fla. This being a 400-mile trip, we did it in two parts, spending a few days back in Old Town. The rally was a great opportunity for us to attend the RV Safe Driving Course. This course is a great reminder of the little tricks you can use to keep your travels safe. We also enjoy meeting some of our fellow members of FMCA in the casual setting of the rally.

Following the rally we worked our way up to Ozark, Ala., and the Ft. Rucker area of southeast Alabama. We spent a few years of our military careers in this area and it is fun to come back and see what has changed and what has not. We have also run into a few friends who remain in the area and, as always, it is fun to renew old relationships. While we were in Ozark we experienced our first snowfall of the year. About 3 inches of the white stuff fell on a Friday, closing all of the schools as well as most of the businesses.

This week we move to Biloxi, Miss., for a week back along the Gulf Coast and hopefully warmer weather.

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Hi Julie and Frank - Enjoy reading your materiel in our magazine. This one clicked on me as we have just returned to South Central KY today after a month trip along the Gulf shores almost identical to your trip and places mentioned. The FMCA SE Area Rally at Brooksville is a fun time seeing lots of our camping friends and volunteering to drive trams each year. The weather was chilly up until February 19th (the day before we departed the area) when it achieved the lofty temp of 70 in the Sarasota area. The local folks as well as the "Winter Floridians" were sure dismayed as the weather was playing havoc with their golf outings. Maybe next year.Have fun in Biloxi.Bob Greg 734

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