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Cheyenne, Wyo.

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When we last wrote in this blog, we were en route to the FMCA Convention in Redmond, Ore. We attended the convention and had a good time, mainly because of the fellowship of our neighbors in the parking areas. The convention itself was disappointing.

We expected there to be between 3,000 and 4,000 motorhomes attending the convention; instead there were only about 2,000. The seminars we wished to attend were held in some of the smaller rooms, which filled early, leaving a large number of attendees unable to attend the training. The people administering the program were able to reschedule some of the classes, but others they were not able to accommodate.

Another disappointment was the times for the vendors to display their wears. None of the venues for vendors was open the first day of the convention; this was also a disappointment for us.

Following the convention we started moving to Montana for a little time on the streams with our fly rods. We spent two days in Boardman, Ore., at a vary nice city park campground. Following that we moved to Spokane, Wash., staying at the Air Force Base. We then moved to Missoula for five days to take us through the weekend and get us back on our normal moving schedule. We do enjoy Missoula and have posted some pictures of the farmers markets that we love to visit.

We next moved to Ennis, Mont., for a few days fishing on the Madison River. We did not catch any fish, although I did have a few rise to the fly. Guess I am not fast enough for the fish. While we were in Ennis the weather turned cold -- we could see fresh snow on the mountains through the breaks in clouds. Fishing got to be a little more challenging in the cooler weather. We took a few side trips to see some of the local area, especially the old mining towns that dot the area.

We moved on to Livingston, Mont., staying in one of our favorite campgrounds, Yellowstone Rivers Edge, which in keeping with its name is right on the edge of the river. We were able to get a few days fishing in there also as well as the required trip to Yellowstone National Park. We always have a great time there as well. Again the weather turned cold and the snow was visible on the tops as well as down the sides of the mountains.

We then moved to Buffalo, Wyo., spending a few days in a nice campground where wild turkeys and deer wander through the RV park. I was able to get a few pictures of the turkeys that would come to within five feet of us while we were cooking dinner on the grill.

We then moved to our current location at F E Warren Air Force Base just outside of Cheyenne Wyo. Here the antelope rule the base wandering at will through the base and the campground. We had an enjoyable afternoon at a winery on the Wyoming Nebraska border, thus giving us our winery for this state.

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1 Comment

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Good morning!

I love the picture of the turkeys. That's what I like it to see wildlife, I always get so excited and they came right up to your rv. What a great life you lead. My husband and I still are working; but I so excited when we can take the open road and go where ever we want and for as long as we want. Love your blog.

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