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Almost Time to Leave Goliad

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We have been volunteering at Goliad State Park in Goliad, Texas, since 1 October and we are still loving it! Full-timing and volunteering is such a great way to spend retirement. It gives us something interesting and constructive to do during retirement and still have plenty of time off to enjoy the area.

I highly recommend volunteering at state and federal parks for full-timers. We have learned so much about the local history of the area in our volunteer positions as part of the interpretive staff at the Mission Nuestra Senora del Espiritu Santo de Zuniga and the birth house of General Ignacio Seguin Zaragoza, the winning general of Cinco de Mayo.

The staff here at the state park are really awesome and keep this park immaculate. I highly recommend this state park to anyone traveling in this area of Texas as it has great pull-through sites with full hookups. It has great walking/cycling trails and, for those who like to fish, they can fish the San Antonio River without buying a fishing license. Fishing is free at all Texas State Parks, which is a really great plus for those who enjoy the sport. You can also kayak or canoe the river here.

Now and then there are special events at the park and the local area. Since we have been here there has been a re-enactment of the taking of the Presidio La Bahia during the Texas revolution, which was very interesting and fun to watch. Last weekend was the Fall Flotilla where people kayaked the river, and this weekend is Rio Rio. Rio Rio is held at the mission where many people re-enact the ways of the Native American culture during the time period of the active mission. There will be flint knappers, cordage demonstrations, Atlatl dart throwing, cotton spinning and textile making, ceramic making, etc. It should be an exciting and informative weekend.

It is hard to believe how fast the time has been going since we have been here. As they say, “Time flies when you are having fun.†We only have three more weeks here before we shove off to our next volunteer position. Our leaving will be with mixed emotions as we will be sad to leave this park and its awesome staff; however, we are excited to go to our next adventure. It is always fun to explore new places and learn new and interesting things.

Our next adventure will take us just south of Austin in the piney forest of northeastern Texas. Bastrop & Buescher State Parks have lots of fishing, hiking, and a great 12-mile biking road that connects to two parks. Biking is one of my best forms of exercise since I broke my right foot. I can usually bike long distances without pain, but hiking can be a problem at times. I really look forward to the long bike trail at Bastrop/Buescher and have been biking a lot here to build up my stamina and strengthen my legs for the longer biking adventures.

Full-timing is really our cup of tea and we are enjoying it more than ever! Hope all is well with everyone and will write another blog entry once we get settled at our next volunteer position.

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hi Jack & Peg, So glad to hear things have been going well & that you're enjoying full timing. Collins & I have been on the road since July 20th. We put our RV in storage this afternoon in a town outside Tampa, FL. We're driving our car back to IL for Christmas with the family, then will head to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on Jan 1 til April 4th. We'll fly back to IL for 2 weeks to check on family & properties then drive back to FL for the RV. We too have had a blast this year. We love the RV life, usually stay in one place about 2 weeks at a time & drive around in the car to do our sightseeing. Next year we'll head up the east coast. Already laying it out. I hope you enjoy your next park & jobs. Have wonderful holidays! Karen & Collins

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Hi Jack and Peg, It is nice to see you are out having such a great time, Diane and I have not made it to the point of full time yet and still stuck here in Bath(rememberthat place) keep the blog going loe to here

of your adventures, you get back to town say hey, we hit the road we will do same.

Peggy the minister at church was wondering how you where making out the other day I told him enjoying Life! Take care of your self's Merry Christmas


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Hello Jack and Peg! I sure hope all is well there and you are seeking another great adventure. I hope this seasons FALL and your adventurous TRIP will be this season heading to the next park (get it Jack?) I'm glad to hear that your visit here was pleasant. Thanks for the nice comments, and having the opportunity to meet you both was my pleasure. I too was a volunteer here, for a short time while applying for a position, and decided that this was the place for me. Well, happy trails, Merry X-Mas and a healthy New Year!

p.s. My version of 'White Christmas' is posted at www://soundcloud.com/pino-music Enjoy!


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