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A Can of Worms?

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FMCA membership.  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Should FMCA open membership to all RV owners?

    • yes
    • no

I have made it a point to avoid most controversial subjects here. That hasn't stopped me from posting one or two provocative things, I guess.

This entry may cause a bit of conversation, but here goes.

FMCA's membership is down. The magazine is so much smaller than it used to be due to a lack of advertisers. The RV industry is still living on the edge of an economic non recovery. Times are not very good at the moment. The price of gas is not going in the direction most of us would like and loans for RV purchases both towables and coaches new or used are still hard to get.

Sometimes you have to adapt and take advantage of circumstances not let them get the best of you.

There is a lot in common with all RVs when you think about it. Lots of full timers live in towables as well as coaches. Manufacturers of both use a lot of the same suppliers including interior parts, electronics, appliances and various small supplies. We all have to dump our tanks the same way!

I believe that there is strength in numbers. We need to combine our resources, work together to make things better for those who make RVs and those who buy them and use them. Who knows maybe the RV industry could form its own lending institution and offer loans as well as lobby Congress and state governments for things that the industry needs. Sorry, but that is still necessary, wouldn't you agree?

So to work toward the goal of making things better for all: It is my humble opinion that the Family Motor Coach Association should become the Family RV Association. All RV owners of towables and coaches should be eligible to become members of the association.

I wasn't there (as much as I would have liked to have been) at the Perry Convention. I hope that opening the convention to towables indicates that maybe some people are thinking the same way I am.

Am I opening a can of worms? Who knows? Let's find out.

Comments are certainly welcome and hoped for! So is your vote...but you need to register if you a not a member of this site.

Derrick L


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I read this with an open mind. I feel kinda special owning a DP but then if I owned a 5th wheel than I'd feel the same.

The idea that owners of motor homes are special and different from any other RV owner is a bad path to focus on.

A ton of groups are sharing their membership with all and any form of RV use.

I know of campgrounds that discourage or refuse any unit over 10 years of age. Why?? Because of the fear of "poor trash"?

As it was stated we all share many of the same issues. Often a towed combo can exceed the cost of a coach.

We buy from the same suppliers, camp in the same places, share many of the same goals.

By including owners of other forms of RV forms we increase our knowledge base, membership potential, and increase our "friend" potential.

In my view, by excluding other styles of RVs, we are like a church that doesn't encourage new members and thus "dies."

How many coach owners owned other types of RVs first.

I hope to share campfires and coffee with like minded people.


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I voted yes. Should be open to all.

I didn't know it isn't. Is there a secret hand shake I should know? Wasn't in the package I received.

Is membership currently based on type of RV owned?

Help! I need to know.


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i got the impression the FMCA was orintated towards motor homers based on this statement.."FMCA is a social organization. In fact, perhaps the greatest member benefit is the fun and camaraderie shared by people who enjoy the common interest of motorhome travel." This was from the list of: Why join FMCA? #1>>>


I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. I am asking what is the general reason people voted YES or NO on the question of changing the group focus.

I'm trying to not suggest that a yes or no vote is either a good or bad thing. My desire to remain a member will not change. I'm just trying to get a general feel for the group as a whole to better find out where I feel I fit in.


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Why not, I own both a Travel Trailer and a Class "A". So I guess it is already being infiltrated by the lesser classes. I guess I will just take the MH to gatherings where the TT will not be welcome.

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We have many friends who have switched from motorhomes to fifth wheels and I miss them in our chapter rallies. They are the same people that they were when they had coaches but for some reason they are treated as outcasts. I don't like the idea of clubs that require you have a certain kind of coach or anything like that. RVing is for companionship and what better way than to invite all.

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We have had a small travel trailer, then a mid-sized fiver and now a motor home. The common denominator is that we've been RV'ers the whole time and full-timed in all three at various times. We vote yes to opening FMCA to all RV owners.

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