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Texas bound

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This is my first time blogging. So here it goes. We are heading to Texas this winter for the first time. We have heard that it is very nice down there and the people are very welcoming to winter Texans as I guess we are called. We have spent the last five years of your motorhomeing for the winter in Florida, however, we thought we needed a change this year so here we come. We are are going to be spending time in Canyon Lakes rv resort. I sure hope it is nice because I am only going by what I have researched on line. So if anyone has stayed there or is staying there would you let me know what you think of it? It looks like a real nice place with lots to do and see. I always get nervous about a new place when it is sight onseen. We hope that there are some other members that are staying close by that we might get to know while we are down there. We are from Michigan so I don't know how many from our state stay there for the winter. I think that most of the winter people go to Florida.

We won't be leaving until after Thanksgiving and staying until April. By then we are ready to head home. We are really excited about our new adventure and are looking forward to it. So here is hoping that we might meet some of you along the way. :)

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I tried looking up Canyon Lakes RV Resort and can't find a campground with that specific name. I was searching on www.rvparkreviews.com and had no luck though I can find several campgrounds listed under the community name, Canyon Lake. I've been to the Canyon Lake area, NE of San Antonio. Is this the area where you will be staying?

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If you're headed down now, be forewarned it's record-high hot and we're in a drought. Be sure you're a/c has freon and that you're mentally prepared for hot sunny days with no clouds for shade. I love my home state, but this is too hot for man or beast!!! Canyon Lake is beautiful, but low water levels right now. While you're here, be sure to check out Austin, San Antonio and Bandera, the "Cowboy Capital of the World." There's also Fredericksburg, New Braunfels and the San Antonio rodeo at the end of January! Hope y'all have fun here!!!

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We have stayed at Potters Creek campground, a Corp of Engineers campground on Canyon Lake. It is very nice, you can spend about 10-12 weeks there in the winter. I would suggest that you look into it. It is only about 30 minutes from San Antonio.

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We have stayed at Potters Creek campground, a Corp of Engineers campground on Canyon Lake. It is very nice, you can spend about 10-12 weeks there in the winter. I would suggest that you look into it. It is only about 30 minutes from San Antonio.

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Canyon Lake is a nice area, but it will get cool in the winter. We go all the south to the RioGrand Valley, another 250miles south. McAllen, Mission, Brownville area. Its tropical there with Palm trees and all. Lots of RV parks. If your are all set for this year something to trty for next year.


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Hi Have fun

We go to the Rio Grande Valley, Mc Allen, Pharr area. Been going since 1998

We stay at tropic Star in Pharr. some of our friends stayed at Canyon Lake rv

park some time back. they was ok with the park. we visited them several times.

We stay at pharr only 30 min. to Progresso,Mx.

Canyon lake Rv park is at Mission tx. Expressway 83 Runs up and down the valley.

Hope this helps


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