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Scared silly! Isn't that silly?



Well here we go.... we leave in the morning after the grandkids go to school on the first leg of our maiden voyage. I am excited, somewhat scared, and beyond nervous! We're going about 250 miles where we'll stop and visit my hubby's parents for a few days before continuing on another 400 miles to Newman Lake, Washington where we will be 'gate attendants' for 5 months.

We'll be working in a day use area so that means it will be just the two of us at night...in the boonies...with no electricity... (insert nervous laugh here) ;) The thought of serial killers & bears actually crossed my mind! In my imagination I can hear claws dragging down the side of the coach (or Freddy Kruger's metal hand) EEEeeep! LOL! I told hubby if I hear anything like that or if something starts rocking the RV, we're going to crank it up & speed away!! Hubby was nice enough to remind me that we'll be hooked up to sewer, and a 100 gallon propane tank, not to mention the blocks against the tires and the levelers. LOL! Doesn't sound like a quick getaway will be possible after all LOL! I know that everything will be fine though, & if push comes to shove, we do have protection.

There is so much to know & I've done a lot of reading and asking questions on various forums and am still very much in the dark about a lot of things. I love how helpful RVers are! They readily share their knowledge and experiences, and some are even kind enough to ask out right," do you have ANY idea what you're doing?" LOL! I love that because I would (and probably will) do the same thing once I am a seasoned fulltimer. I like the fact that they care enough to ask & don't want us going off complete novices.

We've had the coach checked out, replaced hoses, bled the breaks, etc & the Car Dr's pronounced us road worthy. I don't know how much I trust them, but what can you do? Everything seems to work like it should except for the squirrel cage on the furnace. Definitely going to need to get that fixed soon. I'm thinking it's going to be purty nippy up there the last month we're there. We don't seem to have outside access to the furnace... go figure... so it probably won't be simple.

Gassing up is going to be a real treat. We're hoping for 5 miles to the gallon on this trip. We were told it get's about 9, but I'm thinking that's going downhill with a strong tail wind and empty! LOL! All I know is that it's going to cost a chunk of $$ to fill that 100 gallon tank. :o The good news is that we should be able to go at leaast 500 miles. At least I hope so!

We still have a long list of stuff we need to get before we go set up. It's not cheap moving into an RV; a fact that I wasn't aware of when we had this idea. It's just a lot of initial stuff though, kind of like setting up a kitchen for the first time, you need the 'staples'.

I'll be posting again later, going to be without internet for a few days. Wish us luck and sending a few prayers for road mercies will be appreciated! I'll be posting pictures along with my blogs once we're situated.


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We fill up before a half a tank seems easier on the pocketbook! LOL Alisa wishing you all the best ~ the dog will bark at freddies! love your writing keep the blogs up so many start and dont finish! We should be back on road mid June~ I too am a bit apprehensive even though we have full timed before~ Just seems to be liberating!I cant wait to get my 6 wheels underneath me again!



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Good Luck in your travels. We have been full-timing for 2 years now and really enjoy it and I'm sure you all will too once you get over the newbe jitters. Getting underway with a new to you coach is always a bit nerve racking but by the second or third day that all goes away. Make sure you have a good road service like coach net it is will worth the money per year for peace of mind. We just changed coaches and will be traveling back to New England from AZ so the first few days will be a bit anxious especially going from 34' to 40' but we love our new to us coach. You'll be fine and don't forget to enjoy the adventure of it all!

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