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05 Vectra

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  1. Whoa, I'm reviving this post because I have an 05 Cummings ISL... was this a recall item ?
  2. Thanks Wildebill, working on it.. cleared the codes, will see if we can get up to speed tomorrow.
  3. Definitely did that... I'm just glad that 8127 is a universal Password
  4. Thanks Guys, Good thinking Herman. Fortunately for some unknown reason that code 8127 got us into Pandora's Box
  5. SUCCESS !! But be careful for what you wish for... So the password 8127 allowed me to get into the SYSTEMS MONITOR, this is what it threw back at me.. H2o IN FUEL - SPN 97 CM 0 Voltage Short or above normal RNG. MI 3 OC 10 FUEL DLV PRESSR - SPN 94 CM 0 Data Valid But Below Normal RNG MI 18 OC 34 POWER SUPPLY SPN 627 CM 0 DATA INCORRECT, INT 2 OC 1
  6. Ok guys, I was surfing other forums and came across the password 8127. Let's see what happens... watch this space.
  7. Thanks Bill for reaching out. Yes there is a small screen to the right of the steering wheel of the 05 Vectra that once you scroll trough it, shows a screen which will display the engine codes. Only if you know the Password. I've tried calling Cummings and Freightliner service centers and none know the Password. The codes can also be reset using the proprietary Freightliner software and a PC. I am not sure whether there is an off the shelf code reader that will read the Cummings ISL Codes even though I have come across an adapter that will connect an OBD to the 9 pin round port mounted at the rear of the engine compartment. Any comment would be appreciated. Stuck in Phoenix, AZ.
  8. 05 Vectra - Cummings ISL - 400 HP - Would anyone know how to log into the check engine codes login Password and I don't know it and post filter change I can't go over 35MPH w/o Check Engine light and loss of power. Thank you
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