I have tried bringing it in with the engine running, but not with the idle increased markedly. I did connect jumper cables between the engine batteries and the house batteries, but it still did not come in more than an inch. Is it possible that whatever that slides moves on, to come in, is worn out?
I just checked the house batteries and the are at 12.2, but with the converter on, it looks like those batteries are charging. I totally confused, because the slideout acts like it is dragging on something that won’t let it come in. I don’t believe there are rollers under there, unless they are something that stays in place, in other words, part of the chassis and bot part of the slideout. Does anyone know the answer to that question.
replacing the batteries, since they are 3 1/2 years old is an option, but that stay may not solve the problem. But, at least I’ll have new batteries.