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Posts posted by John10ey

  1. On 12/3/2020 at 2:41 PM, Glenn_Kathryn said:

    I might be who you're talking about... ?

    I'm in my 40s, an early retiree (software development). My husband and I are now full timers, in a Class C, with our 10 year old whom we homeschool.

    We joined FMCA today. Here are my thoughts.

    It wasn't in our original plan to join FMCA. I first heard of you guys when Xscapers Chris Dunphy and Cherie Ve Ard of Technomadia put out a YouTube video about memberships they use and don't use. Among the things they use is your roadside assistance. My husband and I were already AAA members, so I didn't investigate further. But we were watching Chris and Cherie's videos in the first place because our #2 priority (after safety) is inexpensive mobile internet.

    THAT is why we joined today. I read a post in the Fulltime Families (to which we also belong) Facebook group that mentioned TechConnect+. I asked someone who's been using it some questions. His answers pleased me. So my husband and I are giving it, and FMCA generally, a go.

    I don't agree with the post that young people aren't joiners. We just join primarily online. Meetups come afterward for my family.

    Things that would attract us to a membership group (besides the unicorn of cheap unlimited internet, which is AMAZING... spend more ad money on THAT, with young YouTubers who are full time on the road. Seriously! You'll double your numbers in no time. EVERYBODY wants that service):

    * Meetups arranged around an outdoor physical activity like hiking, climbing, or white water rafting. A whole lot of RV meetups appear to be just sitting and talking, with an occasional tour thrown in. To young active families who are used to the constant dopamine hits they get from being on electronics most of the day, that sounds as appealing as watching paint dry. We're not going to just sit around and stare at each other and discuss black tank issues. Adrenaline needs to be engaged.

    * Regular online meetups with like-minded people via Zoom or something like it. And for Pete's sake, include more than the usual geographic groups, Christian service groups and knitting circles.

    * Ways, online and off, for children to connect with other children. Fulltime Families has a Minecraft server for members' kids only, for example. What about an archery club, lessons on catapult building with a contest at the end, or a laser tag challenge?

    * Access to service opportunities. People who can't give money, can frequently give time. We are currently doing hurricane cleanup in Lake Charles, but in order to do it we needed a contact. Established groups like the Red Cross won't take people with children in tow because of liability issues. A liaison who can put us in touch with community groups/members in struggling areas who'd like our help is what we need.

    * Access to boondocking spots that are not public, especially in the Eastern half of the US where BLM land is so scarce. Again, younger fulltime RVers, working or not, are probably not rich. This would be a huge help.

    * Access to a mentor who's been on the road 10+ years. When we first got our RV we did SO many stupid things that good advice could have prevented. Surprise! The internet doesn't know everything.

    * Specifically, discounts to parks in areas where most or all of the surrounding parks are 55+. Those kill us. I do get wanting to be near your tribe, but the rest of us gotta go somewhere. Arizona and Florida, I'm looking at you...

    * Discounts on methods of package delivery, and detailed instructions about how and where to receive packages on the road.

    * A curated video library of common problems and how to fix them. Point to existing YouTube or Vimeo content. It would be awesome to have a central catalog for that info.

    * Information about any and all discounts we can get just by asking for them. And I mean, from ALL parks, retailers, etc. that would be of interest to RVers.

    Some of this would cost nothing but manpower. 

    Just some food for thought.


    I'm in my 80s and fully agree. Add a comprehensive list of reliable repair facilities state-by-state.

  2. On 8/2/2020 at 2:41 PM, manholt said:

    White Eagle, I do believe you hit the nail on the head.

    After 53 years and now 77. I'm still going to be here!  So many memories, so many Chapters that are no more, now we are members of two Chapters and Six State rally for South Central Area!


    I'm a brand new member with a 2012 RT. Two things convinced me to join:  forums where I can ask questions and the Assist insurance. I'm 81, my companion 84, so the transportation in case of accident/illness is VERY appealing. The cost was not a deterrent at all. In addition to a few week-long camping trips, I go on a 10,000+ miles of back road rambling each fall. This year, my 5th in a row, will be Oregon to NYC returning through the midwest. The last 4 trips have been on freeways a total of about 300 miles.  All who wander are not lost.

  3. I received a response from FMCA saying that a member can have one passenger, and that person is covered under the insurance. Good to know and brings peace of mind for a couple of 80+ year olds. I did list her on my membership but had read the info about domestic partner requirements. There is not any mention in the policy document about passengers other than minors (that I could find anyway).

  4. On 5/15/2021 at 4:19 PM, f192761 said:

    want to purchase a class b van

    I have a 1999 Dodge xPlorer, 20' that I just bought a newer Roadtrek so don't need two. 

  5. I saw that and have the same question. I've read it carefully and can't see a difference other than the words "medical or surgical treatment or diagnosis thereof".  One might take that as saying that they don't treat the illness itself, but if so it's poorly worded. This needs to be clarified.

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