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  1. January 27, 2010 BABT/MTC Hearing summary: The hearing room was packed to overflow with people to speak regarding the toll increase and another agenda item regarding a union project. There was a union demonstration at the front steps of the BABT offices. Before the hearing, I spoke with the director of legislation and public affairs for BATA & MTC to see if there was any possibility we could reach a compromise. Essentially, he said the reason why the toll structure is the way it is to keep the toll takers honest. By counting axles, the bridge computer can determine the amount of tolls that should have been taken and the actual cash. Apparently, they don’t trust the toll takes. The toll structure will remain the same is the staff’s recommendation. He did understand what we were trying to do. In a side note: The first time I spoke on January 13, the reason the toll structure could not change was that state law mandated an axle based system (which mine was). I researched the California Street and Highway Code and believe my proposal is not in opposition to the code. It was not until the hearing did the “don’t trust the toll takers†come up. At the hearing, a number of people spoke regarding a bike lane on the western section of the Bay Bridge and a number spoke regarding the new carpool toll. We were allowed only one minute each. I spoke regarding RV’s and another person spoke regarding tolls for boats. I am not sure the commissions (elected folks from the Bay Area counties) neither wanted to be there nor were they interested in what was said. At one point, a commissioner made a motion to reduce the carpool toll from $2.50 to $2.00 and was soundly rejected. Another commissioner said “the purpose they are there is to raise tolls†for seismic retrofit of two bridges. Our suggestion for a more equitable toll was rejected. An overriding concern is that I have received no inquiries from the FMCA email broadcast nor has any member of our club that resides in the Bay Area expressed any desire to get involved. We use the Antioch Bridge once a year and it is slated for the upgrade. Now, I will find a way around that bridge till it gets fixed. So on January 27, the Bay Area Transit Authority and Metropolitan Transit Commission approved a toll increase for all California State owned bridges. For motorhomes towing a car (4 axles total) and commercial trucks, the toll will increase from $8.25 to $14 in July 2011 and to $20 in July of 2012. For those who can raise a tag axle, do so while going through the toll booth and save $5 since that axle is not on the ground. Autos and any other two axle tolls are increasing to $5 on July 1, 2010. The reason for the toll increased is to make seismic repairs on two bridges but the toll increase is permanent and those funds used for other projects in the future. The new money is needed since none is available from the State of California or the federal government. Several attempts were made to reduce the toll to a more equitable rate for private vehicles but the elected officials of the Bay Area counties were not interested. If you have any further questions or concerns, go to the MTC web site at www.mtc.ca.gov. Bob Lundin F370218
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