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  • Location
    NW Georgia
  • Interests
    Him: Playing his guitars and bass, shooting, developing software, working out, riding his motorcycle, RVing.
    Her: Playing in the dirt (gardening), shooting, DIY refurbishing projects, trying to learn to play banjo, and blow a shofar (not at the same time), photography, reading and Bible study, RVing.
  • I travel
    With pets

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  1. Thanks for the heads up. Whether it's true or not, I changed my password. Doesn't hurt to do so, and my password was definitely not a good one!!! hahaha! It is now!!!
  2. At this point in time, we do not travel enough to justify buying a toad, so we usually rent cars when we arrive at our destination. Today, for the first time, I used the FMCA discount at Enterprise. Attached are receipts with and without the FMCA discount. Apparently, if you do not have a promo code, Enterprise puts their own in. So was it worth using the FMCA discount? Apparently not at Enterprise. You get a discount regardless of whether or not you pay membership fees to an organization. Just an observation. Copied from my email confirmation: Copied from their website:
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