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  1. I called good Sam to tell them I was not renewing,I got it for $59.00
  2. I know his is a old post but on my 2013 Ford Edge my 12 volt ports go to sleep in 30 minutes so I installed an auxiliary 12 volt direct from battery to power my RVi 3 braking system and chargewire kit from rv to car.No problems.
  3. I just recently purchased blue ox base plate,$439.00,factory tail light wiring kit$74.00 from etrailer,did my own install because I'm capable of doing it,RVi 3 brake system for my Ford Edge.Added a auxiliary 12 v receptacle at the battery,$27.00.
  4. This will be our first rally in perry.MY question is I have the option to tow a toad or a golf cart.We will be in the generator section and have large holding tanks so 4 days is no problem.Do they have transportation to the buildings or do you have to do alot of walking.Thats my biggest concern. Tom
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