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Everything posted by ghspeer@sunocoinc.com

  1. Thanks for all the help. I did some more research and found out that the Coach Manufacturer put in smaller starting batteries than called for in the Manual. Manual requires CCA@ 0 degrees F to be 950 Minimum. Manufacturer but in CCA@ 0 degrees F of 760. I am having the batteries changed out to the correct ones later next week.
  2. I have a 5-year-old motorhome and the chassis batteries will not keep a charge. I need to use the battery boost button to get the vehicle started. Once started it runs fine. Two days later I tried to start it again and I still need to use the battery boost button. Is this a sign that the batteries are weak? They do not seem to hold a charge. The voltmeter reads 9 volts when I first turn the ignition key. When I press the boost button it goes to 10.5 volts, the engine starts and then it gradually goes to 13.8 volts and stays there till engine is stopped. It then drops back down to 9 volts in a day or so.
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