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  1. If you appreciate being able to park at Wal-Mart, let them know! A lawsuit has been filed by a Florida couple who opened their RV door to an intruder while parking overnight at Wal-Mart. This suit claims Wal-Mart invites you to park in your RV and should be responsible for your SECURITY while parked there. We are all aware of the risks we must assume when boondooking, and this lawsuit will affect any retailer who allows us to park. While the couple suffered an unfortunate situation, the retailer should not be held liable. Please join us in rallying behind Wal-Mart and other retailers who welcome RVers. Contact Wal-Mart corporate and let them know of your support! This is one parking option many of us don't want to lose.
  2. If you appreciate being able to park overnight at Wal-Mart, let them know! A lawsuit has been filed in Utah by a Florida couple who opened thier RV door to an intruder and claims Wal-Mart should be held responsible for their security in their parking lot. We all are aware there are risks we must assume when we boondock. This lawsuit will affect any retailer who allows us to park in their lot. While the couple suffered an unfortunate situation, the retailer should not be held liable. Please join us in rallying behind Wal-Mart and other retailers who welcome RVers.
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