The tale of the Tag.
Recently visited manufacturer factory for updates on 43' Newmar Essex. During weight and balance check they found tag was carrying no weight and adjusted air bags to provide about 3,500 lbs on each tag wheel or total 7,000 on tag. In Missouri left tag melted the oil cap and lost most lubricant. Replaced oil cap, gasket and oil. Suspicious about excessive weight as this had never occurred in 60,000 miles. Gallup New Mexico melted left tag oil cap again. Called Spartan (K2 chassis). They said tags are really meant to run in the opposite direction but they build them this way so they look "good". apparently toe-in and caster is set up to run opposite direction so the drag causes the bearings to overheat and melt the oil caps. Spartan recommends loosening the bearings. Replaced oil cap, oil and gasket. Stopped in Hesperia, California to find left oil cap melted and now right oil cap leaking. Mobile mechanic replaced left oil cap, oil and gasket, checked outer bearing (OK) and adjusted bearing load by "feel". Redlands, California at Redlands Heavy Truck and RV.
Redlands checked weight. Way over 10,000 on tag, 15,000 weight on main. Removed tag wheels, checked all bearings (OK), replaced all seals, oil caps, oil and gaskets. Reset tag weight to 7,000. Found air dryer problem causing inconsistent air pressures.
Spoke with Essex owner in Pennsylvania who had similar tag weight problems and was stopped by Highway Patrol after going over scale on the highway that caught him overweight on the main. He found tag is adjustable with guage under front hood opening and added weight to tag, then had oil cap problems and overheating bearings.
I suspect Spartan knew of this problem and has been underweighting the tag to reduce overheating the bearings. The correct fix is probably adjusting toe-in and caster to reduce drag and sideslip on the bearings. Correct air pressure to bags. Correct bearing adjustment to allow some play and not overheat.
This coach has always had a porposing problem in the ride and with the tag correctly loaded it tends to keep the front axle from floating as it now has enough weight to hold it firmly against the pavement. All we hear is praise for the Spartan K2 ride but for us it has been a roller coaster.
Newmar needs to get with Spartan and get this fixed for all owners.