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Everything posted by salerno

  1. We have had the Roadtrek Ideal for almost 2 years and have made about 12 short camping trips. We have had no trouble with the slide out and it has worked flawlessly. I understand that it can be retracted or extended from under the chassis using a socket wrench on the drive screw but I have not tried or even located it in the 2 years. We live in Florida and have been subjected to inclement weather without any problems or leaks. We like the Ideal over the Agile because you get a bigger refrigerator and a bathroom you can close to shower (bigger also). The only modifications we have made were to change the lower cabinet catches to prevent pantry objects from being ejected from the cabinets. Also we cut the TV cable clamps to allow the TV to extend all the way into the aisle so we can watch TV from the bed. Mileage is great, we get 22 mpg.
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