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    RVing of course as well as cruising. I love being on the water. The DW is into crafts as well as kniting and crocheting. We are both retired teachers and have 2 kids and 2 grandkids!
  • I travel
    With pets

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  1. Yes that is my rig. I has served us well for the past 10 years. Just trying to see if air bags will give us a better ride and is it worth the money. Dan
  2. I have a 2008 FRED. ( Front end Diesel ) We both love our rig but wish for a smoother ride at times. I am thinking of installing air bags. Has anyone done this and were you happy with the results? Dan
  3. It's just the DW and I. She just retired and I am 2 years away. Then we start our full time adventure. "Adventure before Dementia " is the saying on our business cards! Dan
  4. Just registered for the Madison rally. This will be our first national rally-- we can't wait. Dan
  5. I just noticed this message. The turn out was good. My mistake-- it was a Chicago tribute band but they were very good. I can't make it this year as I will be in Madison, WI for the national convention. Looking forward to it. Dan
  6. Due to the fact that the week we were going to be at Mt Rushmore is also bike week that has been pulled off the agenda. Looks like we will head south instead. Probably St.Louis, Mo. then Kentucky and work our way back east. Dan
  7. We live in MA just outside of Cape Cod. Can't go any more East without hitting water! As far as what we like we are very different in our tastes so we enjoy many things. We have spent time at quilting museums ( DW loves them, although I truly admire the attention to detail ) to anything history related ( My cup of tea!). Both enjoy touring vineyards and wine tasting! Most Museums are also appreciated by both as well as nature trails. Dan
  8. So we are planning a 7-8 week trip this summer to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Some thoughts for our trip are: 1. The Finger Lakes of NY 2. Wern part of Ohio 3. Madison, WI. We are attending the national convention. 4. Mall of America 5. Mt Rushmore and the Bad Lands Any suggestions for campgrounds or things to see please post. We are open and the only thing definite is the national convention. Looking forward to all of your comments. Dan
  9. Wed stayed at River Plantation last year. It was great. Dan
  10. The Northeast Rally is back for 2014. July 17 - 21 in Essex Junction, Vt. Looking forward to it! Dan
  11. I have a TST system and love it. Even if your car has one, you will not know if you have a flat if you are towing. The weight of the toad is so small compared to the rig by the time you know it damage is done. Also tires on a motorhome don't get flats they get blow outs. Once the presure is too low that the tire can't handle it .... bang! Get a system it is good piece of mind. Dan
  12. There will be a 2014 Northeast Rally in VT this July17 to July 21st. Entertainment Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening. The Friday night entertainment is Chicago! Yes I will be there!!!!! Dan
  13. Just wanted to put it out there that the Northeast rally is back at Essex Jnt., Vermont this July 17th through the 21st. Entertainment Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Friday night is Chicago! I know I'll be there! Dan
  14. +2 You are not nuts! It takes a certain personality to enjoy this lifestyle. The DW has one more year till retiremant and I have 4 , but since we are both teachers we hit the road every summer fora 6-7 week roadtrip . LOVE IT and only wish I had started doing it earlier! Many happy miles and smiles to you. Dan
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