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Everything posted by five

  1. Can one of you smart guys please tell me how to add "For Sale" after my coach in my signature? I've looked all around "my profile" and don't recall how I set it up. Thanks
  2. Be sure the method of transportation and all paperwork is exactly correct.
  3. Read the directions in the owner's manual for your Equinox for towing set up and what to do when travelling....and the Sunseeker manual for towing capacity.
  4. I had one shipped from Phoenix to Dallas. Same here with the memory issue. However, use bing/google "'car shipper'' and you'll have a dozen responses. Be careful, prices greatly vary.
  5. It seems everybody has had their hand slapped by IRV2. What seemed like a couple of normal posts by me has resulted several warnings. Don't compliment or post another forum's web site...that's a no no.
  6. Toyos for me as well...got them as replacements for the young and low mileage Michelins with cracked side walls.
  7. I've had two DPs, one pre-DEF, one DEF. Had no trouble with either one. It was just like going from leaded to no lead gas.
  8. I don't recall seeing that either, my sincere condolences. Any form of leukemia that is "acute" (AML) means fast moving...."chronic" means slow moving.
  9. Call Allison, they are very helpful.
  10. My U Haul dealer has propane.
  11. I can still drive fine as well, I think that was just an excuse to hang it up. I finally gave up my FAA flight instructor rating in May, it seems if the FAA thinks I'm okay, she would too! A while back I had four treatments for CLL, but it does not affect my driving or anything else....yet.
  12. Best wishes to all you guys. I'll be 82 next Bday, have had one bout with CLL (from two tours in VN) and the D/W said I'm too old to drive....so, rather than argue, put the bus on the market. Had it appraised, came back at $250k, now asking $219k. Had a couple of serious lookers, but no offers.....except the ones for $150k. The appraiser said it would be hard to sell in this market. People are hesitant to pay a quarter of a mil for a toy. He also said if it was 10 years older and $100k less it would go fast. Maybe things will change after the election.
  13. five

    Battery charger

    I It's been a while since we've had a 5th wheel, but I thought the newer models with inverters, had a converter/charger and a separate inverter...not so?
  14. Sure sorry to hear that...your last sentence is the bottom line. As an old colonel told me years ago, "if money will fix it, it's not a problem."
  15. If you are looking at new tires, the reasons are applicable. A great many of us have been forced to swap out Michelins years before other brands due to sidewall cracking. Check the other forums, there are lots of links to their issues.
  16. Double post, answered this one earlier in Modifications.
  17. Your subject says, "RV Furniture......" Go to any furniture store, RV furniture is nothing special, other than expensive.
  18. I don't know a thing about the UOGG....all I do know is that in most cases when it sounds too good to be true, it is. I'd proceed with caution.
  19. Sorry, a bit late....Southern Tire Mart...https://www.stmtires.com/
  20. five

    David Cron

    Be sure you have all the numbers when you call... year, model, serial number, etc...they are very helpful.
  21. I have Continental 315s on the front and Toyo 295s the rear six....dealer didn't have any 315 Continentals.
  22. Try REV Parts: 800-698-6315.
  23. I would not have another set of Michelins. Like many on this and other forums, I had to change out my OEM Michelins due to significant sidewall cracking at five years and 32k. Michelin tried to convince us their tires were fine by making a pamphlet showing threes stages of cracking. The last of their examples shows a cracked sidewall, that Michelin says is totally serviceable. However, I don't know many of us that will leave on a long trip with any cracked tires. Michelins are over rated and way over priced. That information can be found on virtually and tire web site.
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