My wife and I have been to two FMCA rallies but they were both in Perry, Ga., and were both international rallies (I think). We enjoyed them both as well as two chapter rallies we have been to. However, we were unable to attend Perry this year. We are trying to find another rally to attend this year. We are looking at the rally in Elkhart, Ind., in May called an INTO Rally and the rally in Madison, Wisc., called a family reunion rally. We do not know the difference and do not know what to expect at either rally. Can someone who has been to several large FMCA rally's tell us what to expect at each of these. We want something like the Perry, Ga., rallies or almost that big. What is the difference between an INTO rally and the Family Reunion rally? Which one has more showcase motorhomes and more educational classes?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer. Sad to say, but we really have no idea what the rallies are like, except for what we know from the rallies we have attended at Perry. Is there somewhere on where they discuss the different rallies in detail?