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  1. Is KOA taking over the Service Department too or just the campground? Thanks
  2. Jim Sims, I totally agree with you. Thanks for the clarification. Jim
  3. Ray, that is good news. Happy this worked out to your satisfaction. Jim
  4. Be nice ticat900. No need to make this personal and attack anyone. We are all entitled to our own thoughts and opinions. If you and I don't agree that is ok too. What the heck does "beek off" mean anyway.... thanks,
  5. ticat900, I didn't ask that question because it wasn't important to me. What was important to me was to clarify that the Blue Sky adjuster is supposed to identify on the front end with the company providing service any special requirements and needs/documentation to be submitted for prompt payment. Also, the adjustor should come to agreement on cost when approval is granted. That was enough for my purposes. So, I guess we don't agree again on what the salient point of this exchange was, at least for my purposes. Sorry!
  6. ticat900, Ok. Let's agree to disagree. It isn't productive to continue to go back and forth on this issue. I merely stated my opinion and feelings on it. You disagreed, I then disagreed with your disagreement...See how it goes? I do agree with your comment regarding "as long as its disclosed upfront"...but, I don't believe that to be the case here. I still don't "believe" that the Insurance Company has any right to the "original Manufacturers" cost....So, we disagree!! Ok, by me. That is what makes the world go round and round! Jim
  7. Ticat900, It appears to me that if the Insurance Company has limiting factors or rules regarding how much they will pay for parts and other services they should make sure the company doing the repairs I (In this case that would be Transwest) is aware of that before they give approval to do the work. It seems unfair to me that Blue Sky would identify this critical restriction on payment only after the work was completed. Sorry, but I don't agree with you on this point. And, I would be very unhappy with any insurance carrier that was not clear on how much they will pay prior to approving the work to be done. As a matter of fact, I will be calling Blue Sky on Monday to check in with my agent to inquire about this incident and how it would apply to my insurance coverage. I will report what they have to say. Thanks, Jim
  8. Ray, I don't believe the Insurance Company has any right to the "Manufacturer" invoices. Manufacturer meaning the company that actually made the part and sold it either to a distributor or to Transwest directly. Transwest isn't in business to sell parts they buy and use for repairs at the same amount they bought them for. That being said, and as Dennis noted, I am not familiar with the policy you have or the language in it. I am very interested in your plight, though, as I just started a new policy with Blue Sky Insurance and am interested in how they treat you as a customer and how this ultimately turns out. It sounds to me from reading your note that the Insurance company has a question about how much they were charged for the parts Transwest used. You noted that the insurance adjuster approved all the work that was completed. If that is the case, and the insurance adjuster was acting on behalf of Blue Sky, I would press Blue Sky very hard to make good on what their adjuster said could be repaired and paid for by Blue Sky. If you or Transwest have a copy of what the adjuster approved to be done and paid for by Blue Sky, I would think that would be very helpful to all if this has to be resolved in a court of law. Good Luck and please let us know how this works out. Jim
  9. Charles, I called on December 10th and was able to get a reservation for this event. They did mention that they had campsites reserved: I think she said about 180-200 spots. Sounds like they are having a good response to this....Hope you get in! Jim
  10. Thanks to all for the responses and sharing of experiences. I went with Coach Net Gold Plan for 1 year....will see how that goes. But, I do believe they are better than Good Sam.
  11. I have a 2012 Tiffin Phaeton 40 foot D/P....I have had it about 10 months now and about a month or so ago I purchased a service agreement through XtraRide...I purchased this through the dealer that I bought my coach from. I haven't had to use it yet, thankfully. It is a 5 year term with $200 deductible.The Dealer is the one who directed me toward this plan and I also checked with my Insurance Broker who is an RV owner for any recommendations.
  12. I have both Good Sam Roadside Assistance and NMC/Coach-Net plans. My first year of RV ownership is approaching in October-2012. I have not had to use either Good Sam or Coach Net so far so don't have any experience with how well they perform. I am leaning toward Coach Net but wanted to see if anyone had any experience using either of these services and could fill me in on what their experiences have been so far. Thanks in advance
  13. Thanks to all for the responses...very helpful info.
  14. I am towing a 2012 Jeep Wrangler behind my RV. The Jeep has a hitch that was installed by the Manufacturer. I want to purchase a bike carrier to take along a couple of bikes when we are on trips but found the website for Thule bike carriers that says you can't use their hitch mounted bike carrier on a car being towed. Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, can you share your experiences with me.... Thanks,
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