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  1. Well, I just did the dumbest thing with my Magellan RV9490T. It got hung up on an update and wouldn’t boot up. The screen displayed “Not enough disk space to boot, remove personal files to free space”. I then connected the unit to my Mac and proceeded to delete recent files with File Manager. Now the RV9490 simply says “No Map Found”. I have all of the files saved but (here comes the dumb part), unfortunately, I can’t restore them because I don’t know exactly where they go. Attached are screen shots of my current RV9490 configuration. If there is a tech savvy person out there that can post or send me screen shots of their RV9490 (folders and sub-folder contents), I will deeply appreciate it! The last screen shot is just the first few lines “Maps” folder. It’s large and I may have put this data back in the wrong place… Let me know if your Map folder looks the same. Thanks! Lyca (embarrassed)
  2. Another thanks to BackhoeJ and his talented son! I needed the same gear replacement for my '04 Windsor. I also want to send a big thanks out to tkas01 for his repair narrative with great explanations and pictures. Here's the link to his narrative: http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/26336645.cfm Thanks again, Lyca1
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