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Everything posted by billsmax

  1. RomanPaula, You've gotten some excellent advice here. My wife loves driving our 45' Monaco Signature and has been driving it all she can since we got it in 2010. I can hardly get her out of the driver seat. She even still loves to drive after she blew the right front tire in 2012 in NM doing 62mph. That blow out could have been a tragic end to our rv'g and our life if it wasn't for knowledge we got from watching the following Michelin youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkwOE1yKY5c This video tells you what to do in a blowout and every Rv'r needs to know this info. The blowout caused $14000 damage to coach and toad truck but she never lost control of the coach and didn't even get out of her lane, Thank God. Also another great suggestion is to go to Seffner, Fl and take the Lazy Days driving course. One other important thing I would add is to check your tire pressure on all tires everyday before heading out. Or have tire pressure monitoring devices put on all your tires. Don't let these multitudes of suggestions scare you, just make a checklist and follow it each day of travel and you'll do fine. Remember to have a great time and don't stress. You can learn to enjoy it as much as my wife.
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