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  1. trabuco

    Tire brands

    Time to replace the Michelin’s on the rear of my 2005 Monaco Diplomat 40ft DP. Looking at Hankook and Continental. Need opinions on both. Pricing is much better than the Michelin’s. 275/70/22.5
  2. We have a 40' at 32,000lbs with a Honda CRV around 3,500 lbs. My VMSPC reports an instantaneous MPG of anywhere between 2.6 and 256.0. But normally right 8.0 mpg.
  3. I'm sure this has been brought up in the past but I thought I'd bring it up again. It's along the line of the Ford vs Chevy debate. I'm looking for opinions on tow bars. Don't need the latest greatest, just a good tow bar easy to connect and disconnect. I'll be towing a 2012 Honda CRV. Any opinions are welcome. I'll also need a brake system. I've been looking at the Air Force, Invisibrake and US Gear. Pros/cons or opinions. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  4. I need to replace mine as well.....what the cost associated with remove and replace? Ken
  5. Thanks Brett I thought it would be OK but wanted to check. I plan on replacing the 4 rears. Ken
  6. I am new to Motorhoming having had trailers in the past. My new to me coach has Goodyear tires all around. The front tires were replaced in 2010 with a date code of 35/10. My question is can I mix mfg's of tires? In other words if I want to take advantage of the Michelin tire program can I replace just the rears with Michelins and leave the Goodyears up front? Ken
  7. Thanks Wayne I'll keep the gauge in mind.
  8. No air leveling just hydraulic jacks. I just purchased the coach about a month ago and have not learned all it's little quirks. I'll keep a little closer eye on it and do as Brett suggested and put a little soap on a few of the fittings and see where that leads.
  9. I do not have copy of the brake check - thank you!
  10. Thanks Brett - that was quick, you're right on top of this stuff! I'll keep an eye on the situation and see if the frequency increases.
  11. Not sure if I have a problem or not with the compressed air system on my 2005 Monaco Diplomat. I put the RV in storage about 7 days ago and went over today to do a little work on the unit. The air gauge on the dash is reading about 50 psi. All the air is out of the air bags and the coach is sitting down. When I start the coach the pressure comes right up no problem. This is the second time I have noticed this happening. My question, is this normal or do I have a potential leak? The coach is new to me so I'm not sure if this is normal or not.
  12. Thanks Brett, I'll do a little research on the subject and see if I want to tackle it myself. Ken
  13. Just when I thought I was up on everything someone throws something new in!! Never to old to learn! Is this something I could tackle myself or is this strictly a shop kind of project? I appreciate the info Brett. Ken
  14. Brett, Ride height is a new term to me, can you elaborate a little more on this term?
  15. I'm new to the motorhome market, just purchased a new-to-me 2005 Monaco Diplomat and have a question on tire pressure. I have Goodyear G670 275/70R 22.5. The maximum pressure on the tire is listed at 125psi. Inside the coach next to the divers seat is a label indicating cold tire pressure of 115 psi for the front and 95 psi for the rear. Realizing I need to get all four corners weighed, is the 115/95 psi a reasonable pressure to go with until I can get my motorhome weighed? One more question: Does anyone know where I can get the four individual corners weighed in Southern California? Thanks. Ken
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