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  1. My Norcold 841 would light and then go out after a couple minutes, I called the local Ford tech and he came out and cleaned the rust particles from the burner and it worked fine. However we were out this weekend and it started doing the same thing. Vacummed more out of the burner chamber and it seems to work okay again. Would have saved $75. had I cleaned it first. Live and learn.
  2. Thanks for all the information. I planned on buying a cover this weekend from CW for my 36' footer. Will now follow advice of you all. Hopefully, we won't have the snow and ice you experienced in Minn. here in Gerogia. I will seal the roof, wash and wax and winterize the water system, park on grass with weight lifted from tires. Great advice, thanks.
  3. Actually, it wasn't that great a dip. I was doing about 45mph leaving town on a paved road and the dip was such that it bounced the RV up enough to cause much force when it bottomed out. The spring company said a minor flaw in the spring itself could have contributed to it snapping. Thank goodness it snapped behind the axle because I drove another 1500 miles with it like that and didn't know it broke for about 300 miles.
  4. Thanks for your response. I contacted Les Michaels several times at Gaffney for suggestions on alternatives to fixing my spring problem. The furtherest I got with that was an admission that he couldn't recommend anything because of liability issues. He was not able to go beyond the part number and telling me it was unavailable.
  5. While traveling from Jacksonville NC to Blue Ridge Parkway we hit a dip with my 2000 Georgie Boy DP on a Freightliner chassis and snapped the stablizer leaf on front axle. It happens that Freightliner used this suspension only that year and when I called told me that the company that made the springs went out of business in 2006. No part available. I called every Freightliner parts, salvage yards and spring companies as well as a few machine shops, from New Hampshire to Californian and back. Whenever I gave the part #, it was "not available", until I talked with a parts man from Moe Springs in Atlanta, GA. He took the measurements and spent a good deal of time looking up similar spring dimensions on other trucks. He found one from a GMC Workhorse chassis that will work. I will have to replace both sets, but it is better than "not available". My question to you all is, do I need do a realignment after replacing the springs and is there anything else I should be aware of? I'm a newbie RV'er, I bought the unit in May so I still have a lot to learn, especially since I can't find a manual on the RV. Any advise on anything will be appreciated.
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