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  1. First of all we are new at the blogging thing and was trying to find out how to enter a question regarding seeking campgrounds across this great country of America that is basically for we retired people. Not that I'm against children because I have 6 grand children of my own and love them dearly. But we want campgrounds that have a paved site, basically no children, or at least a section that is labeled for we that are retired, and not so close to your fellow camper that you can see what they are having for dinner but close enough to say hello. We are in our first year of retirement and anxious to visit "everything" and will be moving around from state to state. We have a 40' Newmar. When I saw "Golden Age Passport," I thought this was your way of finding the same thing as I, but I presume it is a club one belongs to. Please explain. Thanks, Milly
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