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Blog Comments posted by PatrickH

  1. Well I guess it's not my day...

    I wrote a follow up for this post a couple of times, and both times, I made a wrong move and deleted it. So I guess that next time I'll write it in Microsoft word and then do a copy past. Right now, I don't have the time to write it again.

    Thank you and a Happy New Year to you all for 2013.

  2. Since the trip related previously, we have had opportunities for more trips.

    The last spring and summer was essentially concentrated on eastern Canada, with three trips to the Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean area, where I have clients and had a good friend of mine now back in Montreal. Including one trip where we took two good friends of mine in their 80's that had been willing to try the RV eversince I bought it. They had a great experience apparently because even it they had to come back by bus for the last 300 miles due to a mechnical failure, they want to do it again this summer.

    After a few repares both with a dependable dealer in Laval and a client that has a garage in Ontarion, the RV is doing much better. The Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean trips have allowed me to fix up a few more falts and has permited a falt free trip to Cap Breton in Nova Scotia in August with both my sons and one to Vermont in early september.

    By the way, if you are looking for great places to visit up north, all those trips we have done in eastern Canada over the last year and a half be it Saguenay Lac St-Jean, the Charlevoix area, Gaspésie, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia with the Cap Breton have been fantastic. They are a must to visit and enjoy.

    Once we come back we already start planing the next trip. I am not ready to retire yet, but having the RV allows regular trips and change of atmosphère that is often most needed.

    We ar now coming back from a 9 day tour to Atlanta, Savanna, Charlestown and back to Montreal on the coast of Virginia. Great break. We left the snow up north, and by the time we came back, the white stuff had melted. Maybe a bit early for sky season, but great for someone that works on the road most of the time.

    I had done a similar trip with both my kid about 7 years years ago, but by car and in motels. I honestly enjoyed it much more with the flexibility of the RV, and I believe I wasn't the only one.

    This time, I learned something else about RVs. Once back home, we the bedroom extention that had been put out to unload didn't want to get in again. Tried everything I could think of checked all the fuses I could find, tried to see if there was a way to put it in manually (after all, the manual says it is possible; it doesn't say how, but it is mentionned that you can do it)... In the end I called that friendly dealer that as been working on the RV recently (he still has my shades as they were not ready when we left), and his solution was also to check the fuses until I mentionned that I had not been checking the contacts on the bedroom wall, and that maybe the vibrations during the trips had made a connection loose. Guess what, I tried this afternoon, and after a few sparkles, proving to me that there was electricity, the extention accepted to come in.

    I like new experiences, lucky me, I am getting lots of it since I got this RV.

    Now, last winter I replaced the front bags for the air suspension, and it has made a great difference in the driving, handling and comfort of the vehicule. This RV is not originaly equiped with air bags on the rear suspension, I am thinking of adding them in the near future, but would like to know if anyone has done that before and if this really makes a difference.

    I'll stop my blurp here, but opinions and experience is welcome.

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