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    Jensen Beach, Florida
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    Looking forward rving across our great nation with my wife and spending time here in Florida at our beach house.

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  1. Thanks for all the responses I have received. The dealership ( La Mesa RV ) in West Palm Beach, Fl. have the coach at this moment, and have fixed the converter. The issue with the batteries, haven't been resolved as of yet, as they are doing other work, ordering parts and waiting for completion. The dealership in West Palm is new and do have problems with there service department, being over worked, small quarters, and not having qualified people to work on RVs is vary obvious at this moment. Being new as a owner of a RV coach has had its moments and a learning experience. In the past 3 months, they have had to rewire one of the slideouts, and I had the jacks stuck half way, which also had to be serviced. Thanks again folks for all the info and help.
  2. Thanks for all who have replied. I have a 2011 Thor Serrano coach
  3. We are new at camping with our RV coach and was on our second camping trip for 8 days. We were hooked up to 50 amps. I guess it was about the second or third day, or so, we started to have problems with our house power. Noticed on panel batteries were going lower on charge. I had the power source checked at campground to see if it was there problem and it wasn't checked out OK. Managed to complete our 8 days with little house power and drove back home. Took coach to dealership and they said i needed new batteries so I replaced them. I have a 50 amp hookup where I store it so it was plugged in after visiting dealership and left air conditioner on over night with a light on to see if everything was OK. Nope, panel showed battery losing charge. Took it to dealership and they said it was a converter now. Question is-- would a bad converter kill my batteries to the point that I would have to replace them. I have extended warranty on coach but didn't cover batteries because of (use) they said. I don't mind paying if that is the case but don't want to be fooled either.
  4. Dave United States Marine Corps 1967-1970 L/cpl 0331 Machine Gunner 3/27 K company South Of Da Nang, Vietnam / Camp Smith HI. Military Police attached to Adm. McCain office Operation Allenbrook 1968 100% DAV
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