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  1. Regarding batteries: The coach uses 12 volt DC. The four batteries produce 6 volts each, they are hooked in series so each pair of the four yields 12 volts. Why not replace all four with 12 volt batteries hooked in parallel? Wouldn't that produce more battery power?
  2. We are now three months into our new lifestyle as RV full-timers. We live in a 40-footTiffin Phaeton, diesel. We are in Wyoming at the moment and I just finished driving over a 10,000-foot mountain. We have had the brake buddy system for seven years. I found that it was not adequate going down the mountain. And it is 7 years old. I would like to replace it with a system that connects directly to the RV brakes and does not have that annoying box to set up each time. I am happy to spend the money to get the right system. I would like recommendations for the brand and product and the best place to get it installed.
  3. The second time I travelled the bridge tunnel a dump truck hit my driver-side mirror with his mirror. I was going North, he was going South. The mirror, in turn hit the window to my left. My wife thought I was shot. I was covered with glass. There was no place to stop. She called 911 and they stopped the truck at the south end. We stopped at the north end. The mirror was hanging by a few wires. I cut the mirror off and found a glass place a few miles north that fitted the space with plexiglass. When we got home to Ocean City MD we went to a glass place and they fixed the mirror and replaced the glass. The truck's insurance paid for it. I have tried to avoid the bridge tunnel ever since. Also, if the weather is bad they won't let you on it. Of course,you won't know until you get there.
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