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  1. Rich, he’s checking it now but says there’s nothing to reverse. One hot, one ground. Suggestions where he should look?
  2. Thanx Rich. I’ll have the shop check their connections.
  3. I always disconnect from shore power when I start generator. 12 volt system works fine when genny running, but I noticed that when I flip salesman switch to on, rpm’s go up. No noise at transfer switch on generator. Noise at transfer switch is from bottom left relay in photo; the “points” open close rapidly.
  4. Had a new alternator installed on my Phaeton. Plugged in to the same 15 amp circuit as usual when I got it back home. Noticed that the salesman switch was off and when I turned it on, the transfer switch made a banging noise and tripped the house panel breaker. Turned off the salesman switch, reset breaker, let the batteries charge completely, and same problem this morning. Inverter has a green light and appears to be working fine. If I disconnect from shore power, I can turn on salesman switch and all my 12 volt systems are good. Any thoughts?
  5. I've been towing a 2011 SRX FWD since it was new. Never a problem, and forget about pulling any fuses. I've never drained the battery either. It's equipped with a BlueOx base plate and BrakeBuddy.
  6. Avoid Knights Key in Marathon. Way too expensive for a 2-service resort. And you might get ants in your rig like we did last Spring. Get closer to Key West for nicer at the same prices.
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