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About w6pea

  • Birthday June 22

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  • Location
    San Diego, Mexifornia
  • I travel
    With Pets

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  1. RSBill I tried to post a couple of links, but I can't or could not get it to post. Is the FMCA Road Atlas laminated and or is a larger print version? I am almost ready to purchase the one I used to purchase every other year, the Rand McNally Motor Carriers spiral bound laminated Road Atlas. But if the one from FMCA is laminated and larger print I will buy that one to help support FMCA. And of course Walmart Locations, and Cracker Barrel locations are of more use to my DW and I in the RV than locations of DOT Weight Stations and Dot and State Vehicle inspection Stations. If I was still driving OTR for a living than I would spend the $51.00 for it.
  2. I just spent almost an hour typing and trying to post a question about the FMCA Road Atlas or the Rand McNally Motor Carries edition. What happened to it. I guess I might just as well buy my map book from amazon!
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