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Everything posted by Jaimepoulin1

  1. Again, thanks for all the good advice and wishes!!!!! We are definitely moving forward!!! This past wednesday we traded in our 2012 Murano and bought a New Jeep Wrangler to tow. We are fortunate to have made an alliance with the same Service Center that the previous owner of our coach used and they have reinforced our good feelings about this purchase. The house is going up on the market in a few days and we are comfortable that it will sell quickly. We are not going for every dollar we can get and will sell it at a price that should make it go quickly! We have decided on our first destination... and it will be the Napa area of California. Gonna be quite a trek as we will be starting this journey from Maine. It would be hard to pick somewhere that was farther away!!! I would like the trip to take a month to a month and a half, it will really depend on when we are able to leave....We need to make sure the kids are settled and the house is cleared away. Right now, our target is mid November. Some of your replies to this thread have been quite humorous! Bill Baldwin and I must share the same appreciation for laughs as he literally made me laugh loudly when I read his brief but spot on post. I am really enjoying you motor-homers....seem like a good group! Michelle and I are so looking forward to good times, fresh air, new friends, and the adventure of it all!
  2. Thanks Everyone! Reading just these few replies have given Michelle and I a little greater sense of comfort around our decision. Today we are buying a Jeep Wrangler to tow behind our MH. Can't wait to get out there and visit all the great areas of our country and meet the wonderful people that already enjoy this lifestyle!
  3. Brett, Thanks for the welcome. We really are very excited by this journey!!!! FYI, FMCA seemed to be the best that I could find for information, articles, forums, blogs etc....... I look forward to being a long time reader! Have a great day! Jaime
  4. Hi, everyone, I have been following FMCA Motorhome forums only a couple of months, but I spend a lot of time here reading all of your posts. My wife and I have taken a very straight path to motorhoming full time.....a little more than a couple of months ago the thought had never crossed our minds but today, we are the proud owners of a 2002 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Class A diesel pusher, the house is on the market, the Murano is getting traded for a 4 door Wrangler, and we hope to hit the road toward the end of November.... Although we did not rent a motorhome for a few days, we did do a ton of research. We looked at A, B and C class homes and we momentarily flirted with the idea of a fifth-wheel. New Motor homes are expensive and depreciate rapidly. In the event we don't enjoy this new life, we would suffer a huge financial hit. And contrary to normal logic, everyone seems to say that new ones have a lot more bugs in general than old ones. After scanning the country for about a month, our parents notified us that they had some friends who were retiring from the motor home life and selling their Newmar. One look, (and another one done by a professional), and we knew that it was meant to be..... So here we are on the precipice, ready to do it, and we find ourselves wondering if it was all too quick. Traditionally, we are not impulsive people. I am in my late 40s and my wife is finishing a 20+ year career that she has become eligible to retire from. I work as a consultant/trainer around the country, so we are not bound to a specific area. We have know that her retirement and "next" career choice were coming down the pike for quite some time, so her leaving her position is OK. But again, Retire, sell your home, uproot from the area, and go live in a motor home ALL AT ONCE has become a little overwhelming..... Knowing us, we will probably still do it.....We keep looking at the positives and are careful not to minimize the negatives........ I would be curious to hear your thoughts about our plan......and if anyone else has a similar story to tell after having done it for a while.....
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