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  1. The 2 at visonerv do not have tag axles and therefore the panels are different. Also Colaw responded today and they do not have one eithrr.
  2. I have a 2008 Beaver Contessa and the tire on the road (drivers) side tag axle blew-out. I am missing the last 2 feet of the panel that covers the rear half of the tag wheel. Also, if I could find the last 2 feet of a panel with damage to the front portion I could have a body shop piece it together with mine. Would anyone know where I may be able to get either the panel or the rear portion of a damaged one? I think the panel from a 2008 Holiday Rambler Scepter is identical to the Contessa and one from a 2007 Contessa may also work.
  3. I have a 2008 Beaver Contessa and it appears the constant force spring loaded contacts in the center are of my Shoreline Power Cord Reel (Model CC50D) are giving me a problem as occasionally I lose one leg and /or the neutral of my 220 V shore power. Does anyone know where I could purchase a replacement reel? I do not need the power cord only the reel.
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