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  1. I have been satisfied with Good Sam's Roadside Assistance since we bought our first motorhome in 2007. We joined FMCA two years ago and my Good Sam program was due to expire the end of this month so I decided to look at the FMCA Roadside Assistance Program. I studied the website and was troubled by a caveat on the winch-out service. The website states the service is provided when taking part in FMCA rallies or events. I couldn't believe my eyes so I called the service and asked them about the caveat. They told me that the winch-out service is only available at FMCA rallies and events. In the eight years I've used the Good Sam service the only thing I've needed is to be pulled out when stuck while camping. I'm thankful I made the call. I'm renewing my Good Sam Roadside Assistance this afternoon. One more thing - I was also disappointed that I need to add my wife to the program and I also must register all vehicles (including rentals) before they are covered. Neither is necessary with Good Sam. Bob McCann
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