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  1. 2001 Safari Zanzibar with 2007 Jeep liberty toad. Have been full time June 2014 to present traveled all 49 drivable states with combined weight of 30800 lbs. Total miles driven 44,385 with average mpg of 7.9. Cat 3126b 330 hp. Mileage from Great Falls Mt. to Alaska and back dropped to 5.6 in 2014. Have had highs of 9.1 to lows as Alaska trip. This mileage is average overall for total miles driven past four years on road.
  2. Bill: I own a 2001 Safari Zanzibar and have replaced the original alternator with a single wire 180 amp Delco. If you understand the purpose of the isolator it really is not necessary. The isolator is used to direct alt charge to either house or coach batteries as needed. The inverter has a battery charged built in to keep house batteries charged. We have been on the road full time for three years and have not had a problem without the isolator. You just need to hook battery wire from alternator to coach side of bus bar to keep chassis batteries charged.
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