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Everything posted by gbburgess

  1. My "safe" is the speed limit when logical and the prevailing speed the traffic is moving when congested. We use interstate 80 through the mid west a great deal. In the early morning I can drive 60 mph. However by 10 AM the traffic is running 70 to 80 mph. I follow the normal flow which is likely 70 while the 80 mph cars pass me. If I can find a few governed semi tractor-trailers I will follow them at 62 mph. I do not want to be the road block that gets to fix the rear end. My sweet spot speed is about 62 mph at 1600 rpm towing a Jeep Wrangler. I do not bother with mph calculations because they do not matter - you either go or you stay home - choose! Glen Burgess 2004 Country Coach - 42' tag 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
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