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  1. I have a 2014 Itasca Meridian with a factory installed HDMI 4x4 Matrix TV system. It is connected to a Winegard Trav'lr dish. The factory installed system either sucks or is not wired correctly. Have replaced the main unit (HDMI 4x4Matrix) once. Independent installer suggested switching to the Directv Genie system. Have any of you done this?
  2. Thank you both. I will try the rvparkreviews site and look for your report kaypsmith in a few days. You can email me if you want, disneyhoobs@att.net
  3. I am looking for some reviews of Sleepy Hollar Campground in Jasper, AL. I am planning of stopping there in early June. I am driving a 37' Class A with a toad. Any thoughts would be appreciated. thanks
  4. I have a DP with mud flaps behind rear wheels, a large, solid "dirt skirt" at the rear. I have a new tow car and a 2-bike rack. I purchased a Blue Ox KarGard (the solid vertical one). The bike tires and the KarGard limit my turning radius. I am wondering with the mud flaps and the dirt skirt do I really need the KarGard?
  5. What are the pros and cons of dolly towing vs flat towing? I have a 2007 Honda Accord I can dolly tow unless there is a good argument for flat towing. Thanks
  6. I am ready to start towing a car. What are the issues of dolly towing vs flat towing. I have seen both, but flat towing seems to be the majority of cases. To flat tow I would have to buy a new car (Ford Focus?) What is your opinion?
  7. Can anyone give me some ways to keep ants out of a motorhome when parked in a sandy area in Florida? Thanks
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