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  1. Buffalo meat and oxen sweat? Shoulda coulda found a McDonalds. It adds to your list of "why me dear God?". I still envy you the trip and, like the pain of childbirth, the trials will fade and be replaced with some good memories and laughs. Peace and pleasures to you. El
  2. Elster

    Melvin fixes Grace

    OMG!!! If there was anything to be thankful for during your trials and tribulations, it is that I wasn't with you. I know Ruth could do CPR, but I'm afraid that would have been to no avail. If I didn't have "the big one" , Jon probably would have strangled me when I saw that ferry. You have heard of Baptism by fire....haven't you?
  3. Elster

    Melvin goes to sea

    You can keep the ferry and boat ride, but I'd have loved the Highlands. I think all of the ferries in NS are a plot to extort tourist funds. Also have had my doubts about some of their seaworthiness. Rain or no rain, I envy you the sights!
  4. Flooded Winnie reminded me of camping with Sandy when her toilet water ran all night and flooded a good part of the floors. She tried sopping it up with towels till I convinced her to buy a wetvac. Ugh!!! At least it was clean (?) water. Were those Husseys related to Judy Cox, too? I am lost in the genealogy web. Glad you are having some good weather. Is the flooded Winnie still there?
  5. At last....a sunny day! Peggy's Cove is amazing, and it is a must see. I'm glad Melvin has joined the RCMP to keep you two in line.
  6. Eat fish! It is less expensive and fresher than you'll get anywhere else. Prices are high there. Years ago it cost me and Ruth $15 for two potatoes, a small squash and two chicken breast quarters (small). If there is something about you that is attracting rain, I hope you find out what the cure is. Poor Melvin! He must be wishing you took another Caribbean cruise instead. We plan on only sunny, warm (not too hot) days when we meet up with you in Maine. We are going a day earlier(Sunday) and will be in J3 instead of J5. Have you done any of those tiny ferries?
  7. Good thing you had a raincoat for the Lucy!☔️. Nice pix. I'm sure you will have a chance at another lighthouse viewing. I forget where we saw the one that was so isolated and had wild surf....maybe Digby area?
  8. Glad they got the bad guy. He made it into Maine. I think you are being tested to see if you are good campers. You have had a good dose of trials. Just think....it CAN get better. Nothing to do in the rain but relax.
  9. Heard about the manhunt on local tv here. Wishing you sunshine and smooth sailing through Canada. Kinda finding out how convenient our cell phones and wifi has become. My iPad got sick but took it to Keene Apple store where they just rebooted it, and it is fine now.
  10. Elster

    Melvin's first ride

    Tough hitting traffic, but now you know you can handle it.. Happy trails to you.
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