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  1. Does it matter if I use diesel #1 at normal gas station vs. diesel #2 at truck stops? I have 2015 Tiffin Phaeton diesel pusher with Cummins engine.
  2. We live in Louisiana now and are buying a new RV in June(on order). Our plan is to part time till sell the house Jan 2016, then go full time. Registering in Louisiana will cost us 8.75% sales tax. I found out that being a S.D. resident is cheaper(4% tax). Can I become a resident of S.D. now and save that difference. That's a big chunk of change!
  3. Thanks for the help. As far as FRC, that must be expensive. Do I really need it? How long does it last? 3 years, 5?
  4. How much insurance do I really need? We are new to Rving and buying a 2015 Tiffin 40ft. Phaeton. I know about car insurance, but it must be different for motorhomes. Any help is appreciated.
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