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  1. I have a 2014 Georgetown with a Dometic 9000 Awning. It makes a loud bang when it goes out. Dealer said it was normal, but don't think so. Any ideas how to fix it?
  2. I believe it is the breaker. However it has done it 3 more times and now in 90 degree weather. The large slide gets about 5 inches from being in all the way and then the breaker trips. have no problem with the bedroom slide, but it is a much smaller slide. I wait a few minutes and it comes back on. Could the breaker be bad?
  3. Have been wanting to do the same thing. Do the new horns face down or towards the front, and I assume it uses the original horn control?
  4. I have a 2014 FR Georgetown 335, which is prewired for satellite. I just purchased a King Dome Rover dish and a Dish 211Z receiver. My question is, does anyone know how long the pre wired cable on the roof is? I asked the factory folks and they couldn't tell me. Has any other Georgetown owners installed a dome dish on the roof and was it easy to connect?
  5. Thank You for the info. If I have any further problem with the slides, I will have to check the voltages to the motor. I hope it was just the breaker.
  6. Thank You for the info. When I was checking fuses, I noticed the breaker, so I hope that is what caused the problem.
  7. While on vacation 3 weeks ago, the temperature got down to around 31 degrees as we were getting ready to leave. The bedroom slideout went in fine, but there was no power to the living room slide. I tried to put the bedroom out again and there was no power to it, either. We were still hooked up to power at the site. I started the generator and both slides worked fine, then. No problem since. Anyone have this problem before or know what I should look for if it happens again?
  8. I read somewhere about installing Dish TV in a Georgetown MH but I can't find it now. Can anyone help?
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