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    Mesa, AZ
  • I travel
    Full-time in my motorhome

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  1. Wow you had a fast and full trip. My cousin lives in Auburn so I am familiar with the area. Glad you had a safe trip and had a good time.
  2. Does anyone have road suggestions or warnings concerning route from Washington D.C. up to Lincoln, New Hamphire? Google Map says Interstate 93. Anything we should be aware of? Thanks! Paul and Dorothy Traveling in 40 ft. diesel pusher full time
  3. Paulrl

    Jacks Won't Drop

    Thanks everybody. We got through to Fleetwood but they are at a loss as to what is wrong. We were already scheduled for some warranty issues this Thursday so hopefully they will be able to figure it out then. --Dorothy
  4. Paulrl

    Jacks Won't Drop

    We have a 2014 Fleetwood Discovery and have been parked for about 2 weeks with our coach level - jacks down. Tonight we wanted to switch out the pads we were using and replace with better ones. Turned on engine and brought up jacks without problem. Put down our new pads and now the jacks will not go back down. It goes through the motion on the panel and says it is level but none of the jacks are down. We are in Kentucky and have had lots of rain. Could it be a sensor problem? My husband checked the fluid and it looks fine. Of course Fleetwood is closed till 8 AM so we can't get any help. Guess we are glad the jacks are up and not locked down in case of emergency and we have to pull out :-) Anyone have any suggestions? Dorothy
  5. We are in Shelbyville, KY visiting our kids and it is humid to say the least. Lots of rain. Our son-in-law says this is not the usual for this time of year.
  6. Headed to Virginia, New Hampshire, MA and Vermont and looking for good campgrounds. Leaving Kentucky beginning of August. No schedule really except for a date in New Hampshire Sept. 8th. where we do have confirmed accommodations. --Dorothy
  7. We are headed to MA in August and appreciate the review of the campground. Will check it out for sure. --Dorothy
  8. Want to take a day trip tomorrow and wonder if anyone has suggestions for us. Considering driving to Shipshewanna. What do you think?
  9. Paulrl

    My Random Views

    Beautiful photos Gramps! Thanks for sharing your gift of photography. Dorothy Mesa, AZ
  10. We are brand new to the RV world and purchased a 2014 Discovery 40ft. diesel pusher in February. The plan is to sell our house in the fall and become full time RVers. Leaving in a couple of weeks for first time long road trip with Ogden Utah being first destination and then to South Dakota to establish new residency. From South Dakota we are headed to Kentucky for our grandson's high school graduation. We will stay in Kentucky for a month and then hope to go to Mass. and Vermont to see the fall colors before returning to Mesa, AZ in October. Said all that to ask on this forum about good park recommendations for a trip like ours. Any suggestions and shared experience would greatly be appreciated. Paul and Dorothy Mesa, Arizona
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