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Everything posted by crempud

  1. All up and running . The wire that runs from the theromstat to the electric control box on the front a/c was chewed by a mouse. Replaced wire and everything works fine.
  2. I been trying to figue out why my theromastat does not recognize the furnace. Been doing research and found a trouble shooting bullentin for my 5 button comfort control center system. I tried a system reset and now get EE on the digital display. Can not find what that means. 2 AC's and furnace are all Duo therm. Any ideas? As near as I can figure the control center communicates with the front ac and then goes to the furnace and rear ac. Comfort control center recognizes both AC's? Any ideas?
  3. I went to start my furnace and found that the control panel does not even list the furnace. It shows the air conditioners and the fan only but no longer list the furnace. The fans in the a/c will start so the controller must be good, Any ideas? The unit is hooked to shore power and winterized.
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