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  1. I am also researching extended service plans. Last year I purchased a used class A motorhome and purchased the Good Sam Service Plan through the dealer. I have had 3 claims this first year. The refrigerator went out and after my $100 deductible, they paid the service provider. The second, I replaced the coach water pump on vacation in Idaho and remembered to file a claim while the service provider was still in the coach, but after I had used my credit card for payment. Good Sam says it will take 30 to 60 days to review for any payment. (None received yet) Today, I had a service provider call and said my claim is denied for seeing no engine oil pressure on my guage 3 days ago, pulled over and checked the oil level and for any leaks (all good). I continued the last few miles to our RV park in Alaska where the service provider drove the 90 miles to look at the problem. His computer analyzer showed no previous oil pressure problem. Checked all the wiring, guage and sending unit. No problems. Started the engine and all worked fine. Good Sam refused to pay any of the $684.50 invoice as per their terms "nothing was found wrong". I am cancelling my plan and researching for another. As others have stated, read the fine print. Theirs has a full page plus of exclusions. Marvin Ledyard 444404
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