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    San Diego, CA
  • Interests
    Photography, wildlife, geocaching
  • I travel

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  1. Yes Fantasy has given us itinerary and a bit more but it’s early yet. Full info package will be out in April. I’m just impatient!
  2. Thanks so much for the info. I did purchase the Milepost Guide but need to actually go through it now. Appreciate your reply.
  3. We have signed up for this year's Ultimate Alaska tour with FantasyRV. We are excited about the trip but also a bit nervous about the kinds of preparations we need to make. We have taken extensive road trips around the U.S. and Canada before in the 10k-15k miles, 3-4 months range on our own so having others with us for this trip is comforting. If you have gone on this or a similar route before (whether alone or with a tour) what preparations should we be prepared for that would perhaps be exceptional or different from any other long road trip? Were supplies (eg. food, drinks, personal items) readily available along the way - in other words, how much of the trip is in really remote areas and how much did you pack/stock up on beforehand? Were the overnight camping arrangements boondocking or with hookups, more of one or the other? Did you purchase travel insurance? We have never towed a vehicle as we rely (successfully so far) on our electric assist bicycles. Do you see not having a toad an issue? What other tips for this trip would you recommend? Thanks for any advice you can provide. P.S. we will be driving a 34 foot 2015 Fleetwood Bounder. Peg
  4. Did you by chance purchase trip insurance in advance? I am trying to determine if we should bear that additional expense given other resources available for much of which insurance covers (e.g. our own medical insurance, Fantasy's own refund policy, etc.) Do you have any other tips we should consider for the trip? We are going on the Ultimate Alaska tour this summer. Thank you in advance.
  5. Are you by chance on the July 8th start of the Fantasy RV FMCA Ultimate Alaska tour that ends in Prince George? I just got on the forum for the first time to ask a few questions for that trip as we are on it as well.
  6. Hi all. We are new to Motorhome life (and love it) but we are still figuring things out which is half the fun (and half the anxiety). We grappled with whether to tow a vehicle or not, and so far have decided against it, so far with no regrets (we are not full timers or snowbirds). However, to provide ourselves with both a means of transportation and exercise as well as outdoor fun, we have just purchased two RadRover Electric Fat Bikes. I never realized how difficult finding a bike rack for these would be. They have 4" tires so need a fat tire tray, and weight 60 lbs. each so that is a requirement for weight that is hard to meet by most racks. We have a 2015 Fleetwood Bounder so we are looking for a hitch mount rack. I narrowed it down to a Thule T2 Pro and two others but etrailer.com is telling me that there are NO bike racks approved for the back of a motorhome for that weight. Their reasoning is that mounting it on the back of the Motorhome puts it too far away from the rear axles resulting in too much torque that will cause too much sway and bounce. I was told the only way to do it would be if we mounted the bike rack on the back of a toad, which we aren't doing. I find it hard to believe that with the Bounder, which has less extension out from the rear axles than other rigs I've seen, that the torque factor will be an issue. And I have seen other rigs with platform type attachments for motorbikes or other small such items as well. Am I taking too much of a risk if I go with a hitch mount bike rack that is rated to handle my bikes (weight, tire size) normally? I don't see any other alternative. Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. Peg Mitchell San Diego, CA
  7. Hello to you all. We are both brand new to motorhome life. We just purchased a 2015 Fleetwood Bounder 33C, our first MH (upgrading from a lightweight travel trailer used only locally). We have taken it out locally a lot to learn it, but our real bucket list item is to drive up to Alaska from the San Diego area summer 2016. So my first very basic question as I am just beginning my research is this: is it feasible/possible to drive such a rig all the way up to Alaska? I have read some of the opinions on another thread here about flying there then renting vs. going with a caravan vs. going on your own. However, before even choosing which method, what are the limitations of driving that kind of rig in Alaska? Can one do the Dalton Hwy for instance, in this kind of rig? Regardless of method, would we need to tow a car (we haven't even figured that one out yet at all)? I just ordered the 2015 Milepost guide so I have that on the way but interested in knowing feasibility, limitations and advice from those who have gone before us! Thanks very much. Peg and Reid Mitchell San Diego, CA
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