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About dieseldrinker

  • Birthday 03/19/1950

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    Cumberland, R.I.

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  1. Hello, Chris !!! Sincere thanks for your reply, and I'll send a first PM in a few days. I THINK I met your father Peter (using a cane as he walked) way back in 1972 (my first year in the FMCA) at Rocky Point Park in Warwick, RI. I picture an Eagle 05 with New York or Jersey plates and a strip of woodgrain paneling around the middle of the shell. The 05 was a BEAUTY inside and out !! Now, that's my memory which may be faulty after 33 years....but I have a snapshot of TWO Eagle 05s (one as described) from their rears parked next to a green-striped GM 4104, and the 4104 was leaving shortly thereafter; I snapped a shot of it - ALSO from the rear - as the owner pulled out and turned to the exit line. Were you there at that time?? Ralph, A1519. Cheers !!
  2. Hello !!...and welcome to the FMCA forums. I'm Ralph Baker, A001519 Associate member, lifelong resident of Rhode Island. We just had the heavy rain from the remnants of Storm Prisclla - it's long gone now - and I wonder how you fared down in Louisiana when the floods were active. I hope you weren't stuck inside a motorhome at the time. Cheers !!
  3. YOU'RE sorry, Mr. Mullins? More likely that I'M a lot sorrier for being informed of the big list's discontinuance. If my opinion is worth anything to the membership, I declare that the Directory AS WE KNEW IT should be restored and be all-inclusive. Putting it on the website would be a horrendously long job (and the alternate 'No Longer Active' would be even MORE so!!), but again - I'm willing and able to help with the effort. All 'F' numbers would be listed from the first active year to the last, and the page design would account for the starting year, i.e. '1963 - 2015', '1964 - 2015', etc.. I can only hope that the National Office will have a serious discussion about this matter because there are other newbies (as I was in 1972) who'd have an easier time getting acquainted with local members nearby. The Directory as it was made everything much easier when you consider that the phone company doesn't send out White Pages anymore. So I'll talk with someone at the National Office early next week. But first I'll design a sample page so I can send it along for consideration. And I hope that other members feel equally as I do. Cheers again !!
  4. One further note, Mr. Mullins; when I first joined FMCA the first mailable issue came with a printed directory, and by the listings I found many members living within 10 or 15 miles of my home address. Even before attending a first rally I went out to members' homes and took a minute to introduce myself while noting their converted buses (LOVE those !!) THAT'S what I'm aiming for- real names, real 'F' numbers and real cities & towns by state, all on an equivalent-to-the-old-books website section where one doesn't have to guess or type endlessly. Maybe I'm just too old-fashioned - but if it's possible to create the section, I'd like to help with the effort. Thanks again !!
  5. Sincere thanks, Mr. Mullins. But I may be missing something in my search; When I click on 'Members' I get well over 2,000 pages of member listings with their apparent mail ID. On the other end of the bar the drop list shows 'Member Directory', but that brings up a page with fill-in boxes. I used it some 30 times to find old friends, found 8 or 9 and had a brief phone chat with Vera Greene L27, but it's not the same as the old paper-printed directory where everyone was listed by 'F' number plus by name plus by location. Am I looking in the wrong place or missing a spot where this icon you speak of is visible? Thanks for guiding me once more. Cheers !!
  6. Hello from Ralph Baker A001519. I'm informed by the National Office that the annual membership directory was discontinued some five years ago, but a recent look through on-site back issues of the magazine indicate that the directory is indeed on the site and subject to continuous updating quicker than the usual 2-month lag in the printed mailed directory. If this is true, how do I access it? Is there a step further than the second login required to open the back issues of FMC? The very last MAILED directory that I have is from 1979 when I was in the FMCA for 8 years 1972 thru 1979. I want to compare the current list with the 1979 directory and see how many of the members I befriended in the Northeast Chapter are no longer in the chapter or FMCA. I rejoined the FMCA just a month ago after 35 years.
  7. To BuickMan above - As much as you like the 6V-92 with the V730 automatic, well....I'm a purist who understands the value of OEM assemblies. Best power combo was what it had and should be returned to - the inline 6-71 with Spicer 7141-A 4-speed manual transmission. The 71s can take more punishment than the 92s can, and the Spicer get's the job done without wasting fuel.
  8. Hello-o-o-o-o, Randall Stone !! I knew your grandparents many years ago when I was in the Northeast Chapter of the FMCA. Alas, both are passed from this Earth...and their Flxible is supposedly taken to a service station in Hudson, Mass. now. The very last time I visited Bud and Audrey, well - Audrey was in mid-to-advanced stage of Alzheimer's Disease. She sat at the kitchen table hardly knowing me from a previous visit although Bud was doing OK and reminding Audrey of my presence. I never had time to visit them again, and two weeks ago I looked up several friends from better times. I've lost many of them due to old age and other effects, so one day soon I'll try to start a page for older members dead or alive who were or still are in the FMCA membership. I'm glad to meet you through this forum, and I hope we can communicate regularly before long. I'm Ralph Baker, 'Associate' member A001519 from 1972 through 1979, just renewed for the stated purpose two days ago. Cheers !!
  9. Hello, everyone !! I'm Ralph Baker A1519, an FMCA 'Associate' member from April 1972 to December 1979, now returned after a 35-year absence. Looking for anyone on this forum who is/was a member of the Northeast Chapter in those years - and hoping you'll come out of the woodwork and let me know you're here. Some of you will still be driving a motorhome or converted bus, but the rest of you will be long done with driving due to age. I always brought a camera with me to take pictures at the various rallies such as Stage Fort Park in Gloucester MA., Rocky Point Park in Warwick R.I., Indian Ranch Campground in Webster MA., and many other places. There also was one rally in my hometown of Cumberland, R.I., held in the Ski Valley parking lot in the summer of 1977. I'll post photos from those years later on. Thanks and cheers !!
  10. For anyone who is not a motorhome owner, you should consider Associate membership. I'm Ralph Baker A1519, member of FMCA and the Northeast Chapter from 1972 through 1979, never had a motorhome due to economics always being too tight, finally retired from worklife and yesterday just returned to the FMCA. Now I'm hoping to find whoever of my FMCA acquaintances are still in the FMCA locally or around the country.
  11. To 'ctcamper' above - Hahahahahaha....!! And to Dan & Donna - if you ever pass through northeast Rhode Island via I-295, I'm in Cumberland just a few short minutes walking distance from 295. I watched it get built in the 1960s. Just returned to FMCA membership yesterday after a 35-year absence, now wondering where my friends from 1972 to 1979 are. Likely there aren't many remaining in the Northeast Chapter, so now I want to start a page listing the first 16,000 members. Perhaps a few will come out of the woodwork and reply here. Cheers !! P.S., I don't know people by their IDs here, much prefer the older versions. I'm Ralph Baker A001519.
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