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  1. Thanks for all the responses guys. Right now the coach is at a truck dealership for state inspection. As soon as I get it back I have quite a few things to investigate, it sounds like I will not need a new motor assembly just some good old maintenance. I'll post back and let you know how I made out.


  2. ronmyrnes

    Kwikee Step

    Hello everybody, I'm a new FMCA member, joined in Dec. last year. While in FL for the winter I developed a problem with my Kwikee electric step. It seems that it doesn't want to retract fully when I close the door, but I can "help" it along and it retracts fully. I priced a new motor assembly on the Del City website and I was wondering if there are any user replacement parts that might be causing this problem that might be cheaper than a new motor assembly. Thanks for any help, Ron
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