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  1. Thanks. Good advice. So far I have checked with the tow bar guys and Hopkins etc and no one appears to have a plug in kit for the 2019.....only 2018 and older. The Hopkins guy told me that I could use the universal kit but not if the vehicle had Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) which I guess a lot of people are using these days to manage LED lights. I'm still working on trying to find out of the Trailhawk has PWM. In any event, I am reluctant to use a solution that cuts the wires in the vehicle.
  2. I have been following the discussions on the Cherokee Trailhawk as a towed vehicle, and it seems pretty clear that Jeep somehow fixed the Wobble, but it's not clear how. I have been having a problem finding a way to hook up the TOAD lights to the MH other than external magnetic lights. A bunch of dealers have told me MOPAR does not have a harness similar to the one they provided for my former ride which was a JK. Hopkins told me they did not have a product for a 2019. Some people on other threads have mentioned that they are towing just fine, and I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to share their lighting solution.
  3. BillnPenny I just picked up a 2019 Cherokee Trailhawk. What are you using for the brake/turn light hookup???
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