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  1. Thanks Tom/Louise. Are going to go with the fan to circulate our dash air (issue is spreading the dash air, not retaining) to the back. Unfortunately, there is no ability to direct that air above these slides, best case closing them (there is 1 exposed b/n driver and passenger- so closing others could increase flow there, into fan blowing to the back. Looked at this GoCool 12v cooler you put ice in it and it blows, but reviews seem to limit the ability to smaller areas than the back of our coach. Curious if anyone uses a portable that requires venting, and if so, what they've come up with to vent as you're cruising down the road.
  2. Welcome to motorhome ownership. Agree with Wolfe10. In your black tank, water is your friend. Be sure to get full of liquid before dumping black so as to push the solids out.
  3. Thanks for responding jleamont. It's Monaco Diplomat DP (2016). There are 3 acs, but all vents but 1 are covered by slides w/ very little (like 2-3") clearance above. If any cool air comes down from up there, you can't feel it. We've closed back bathroom door to contain engine heat. It is a crazy design as it's all ducted so no option to dispense straight from unit in middle of coach (b/n slides).
  4. Traveling in 44 footer with massive slides and passengers (kids). Dash air won't even touch cooling beyond driver and front passenger. Roof tops could run under geni power, but ducted vents are blocked by slides. Swamp coolers won't work as we are in high humidity location. Typical portable ACs call for venting. Anyone out there found a solution for cooling their passenger compartment while traveling down the road?
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