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  1. 2009 County Coach 45ft; 50,000#; 500 ISM Cummins, pulling a GMC Arcadia 4 down. NOTE: Onan and Aqua Hot always in operation when we are going down the road, so that will also burn a bit more fuel. I never shut to motor down until we are at the end of the route or day. Average 6.5 MPG over the last 12 months of flat, headwind, tailwind, hilly and stop and go. They key is speed. We are capped at 65 miles per hour tops with the GMC, so we are at that speed or less. Your mileage may vary!!
  2. Hi Guys: Excellent help in many ways! I guess I have a task ahead of me. Lots of scrubbing and painting. The help is greatly appreciated. Regarding the first owner, we do not know for sure what the MH was exposed to. I'm certain it was salt exposure while housed in Ontario, Canada or UNK, Florida where the MH split the year for 9 years of its life. It was taken in trade (Miami, FL) for a $1M coach, but no service records provided. CC did a great job resetting the service set point for us, but the prior history is a mystery. Over the last year we have had a trouble free experience and hope this will contune with ongoing good maintenance and preventative everything! I will do some before and after shots of the rust and repair. Thanks again everyone!
  3. Hi Herman: Yes for sure, especially with the air bag suspension. I'm hoping to see if I can use a PIT to do the work, better on the back!! Haha. Best Tony.
  4. Hi Herman: Wow, that sound like a winner. At least that will fix the hard to get spaces. For the others I could scrape then apply. Terrific! Thanks Tony.
  5. Hi Folks: I have a question about surface rust. I'm the second owner of my 2009 CC motorhome. I live in the desert and not exposed to the winter salt issues like our East Coast members. That said, I have found some surface rust in areas as described below in the DynoMax article. We expect to keep this coach indefinitely and will not be looking to sell it until I cannot drive it any longer. Yes, it's that good! So, suggestions please on the following and thank you in advance for the good guidance and advice! 1. How do I remove the surface rust? 2. What should I coat it with once removed? 3. Some areas are easy to reach, others are complex as they are hidden a/or have wiring/other complex systems in the way. Maybe a no-harmful liquid I can spray for these areas? 4. Anything else you may suggest Please see the information below from the CC: DynoMax-The Proprietary Chassis of Country Coach Once the entire frame with axle assemblies was welded together, the chassis was taken to a special paint booth where rust inhibitive paint was applied around every bit of steel that makes up the structure. While the process is important to protecting the steel, Country Coach took this one step further. Most chassis manufacturers utilize an assembly line approach, with the paint application being the final step. At Country Coach, builders took the time to pull the frame out of its station, take it to the paint booth, and then move it into another short assembly line where the drive train was installed. Open up the engine access doors of a competitor’s product and you may see paint overspray on the engine, transmission or hose lines. By taking the time to paint the frame prior to installing drive train components, it’s unlikely you’d ever see this on a Country Coach. Note: As a special note regarding the special black rust inhibitor applied to the chassis, sheet metal and angled iron used at that time was not available from the suppliers with the zinc oxide process. So these areas are more susceptible to rust (wheel wells, battery bay, propane bay, service center). NOTE: A preventative care step is to give a good thorough power washing of the coach undercarriage after each trip to help prevent rusting in those susceptible areas. This is also a good idea simply to remove road grime/road surface treatments the chassis undercarriage may have picked up enroute (like salting chemicals used in winter months).
  6. Thanks Fella's! We did have a blast. Indy is too far for us as we both still work for now, but full timing is around the corner. Safe travels to you all, see you soon!
  7. We had the same issue in our 2009 MH. After cleaning everything, replacing the mixing valve, still nothing worked. We had good pressure from the pipes before the faucet, but it would not get through the mixing valve area. We replaced the entire unit. No issues since, but I think my filter is going to be replaced on the next trip out. Good luck..
  8. Hi Carl: We were on C1 second street (South end). Sorry we did not connect! We found the FMCA schedule to be "very full" of excellent seminars and entertainment. We did not have a lot of downtime. We did make one get together with the County Coach International folks. The had over 80 attend by hunting down over 100 country coaches in attendance and placing a flyer on the windshield! How about that! See you at the next one!
  9. We have returned unscathed and really enjoyed our first FMCA rally. While it was very dusty, everything was set up very well. We did volunteer for a few days on the carts, tanks Steve!! When we worked the outer lots, we could see some improvements were required for transportation in peak periods. All the volunteers did a terrific job!! I know the club is working on that for the future. If you have not participated in a rally, please do so - lots of good fun!!
  10. We were contacted by the FMCA volunteer manager for the March Rally. I'm very excited that our assignment(s) for both Sheri and me are to be Golf Cart Drivers! I'm hoping that's means that we will see more of the attendees throughout the entire event. Hope you all can make it, and we get to meet a bunch of new friends along the way.
  11. Nice work Bill, looks sharp! How is the water pressure? Improved, or the same as before?
  12. Sorry I'm a little late here, but Happy New Year to you all! I was out of the US for a while, then Sheri's Mom got sick over the entire holidays and we are just now back online. Hope everyone had a great holiday and getting ready for an exciting New Year! Hope to see you all at the 95th in March this year. Safe motoring.
  13. Nice coach and color!! Enjoy once you get past the CO winter.
  14. Hi Guys: Thanks for the great information. I could not get to the MH this weekend, but we are going on a rally Thursday and I plan to look then. If I'm still stumped, then I will call CC Friday. This effort is for a potential issue in the future. Better know now than in the dark at a campground! FWIW our four slides are as follows: x—Bedroom(PS): HWH single cylinder slide-out room extension mechanism. (45 ft. units only) x—Bedroom (DS): HWH lateral arm slide out room extension mechanism. (45 ft. units only) x—Drivers side: HWH X-slide out room extension mechanism. (45 ft. units only) x—Passenger side: Power Gear flush floor room extension mechanism. (45 ft. units only) x—Push button slide out activation panels. x—Slide out room cover awnings. x—Emergency hand operated winch for HWH slide out rooms
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